05.15.2024 General Meeting Minutes
Lake Stickney Community Club
General Meeting Minutes
May 15th, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:01pm
*Meeting minutes: from March 20th, 2024, were read and approved by Shannon and 2nd by Stan.
*Treasurer Report: Read and approved.
*Thank You’s: To Michelle, Terri and Shannon who provided dinner this evening!
*Side Walks: Cindi Williams provided an update. High level plan is in place. The sidewalk and lighting committee welcome volunteers to assist with this project. They are looking to have one meeting per month, that being the last Friday of the month. They are working with PUD and WSDOT for lighting and signs. Working on getting MSD involved to lobby the lack of sidewalks and lighting as a safety concern for our children and community.
*Club house property clean up and beautification: We will be having a work party Saturday, May 25th from 9am-1pm. BYOT (Bring your own tools) Weeding, ground cover, gravel, thatching. Looking into blackberry removal. Goats were suggested.
*Repairs and Maintenance:
~ Getting an estimate to replace doors, and door frames asap.
~ All floors in the club house will need to be replaced due to failing support beams and extreme ware. The current main floor is bamboo. We will be looking to replace it with a harder wood option. Looking for estimates.
*Calendar of events:
~ Wednesday July 17th is our next general meeting. 6:30pm dinner, 7pm mtg.
~ Elizabeth will decide if we will have Friday night bingo. May 24th TBD.
~ July 4th is the annual floating parade. 3pm, decorate and float your watercraft. This is a self-lead event.
~ July 14th community potluck. 11:30am-1:30pm at the club house.
~ Board game night TBD.
Meeting adjourned 7:30pm
Next meeting: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 @ 7pm