05.16.2022 General Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm
*Board member/trustees introductions: President - Elizabeth Stewart
Vice President – Aaron Elford
Treasurer - Michelle Mayfield
Secretary - Shannon Scroggins
Trustedd/Rental Manager – Duncan Green
Trustee – Susan Bet
Trustee – Vacant
*Meeting minutes: from March 31, 2022 were read and approved.
*Fisherman’s BBQ Lunch Recap: Fisherman’s breakfast has been a fundraising event for over 42 years. Raising funds for private fish planting, neighbors coming together sharing lunch and time getting to know one another. This year we held a lunch in place of breakfast a week after opening day, 4/30/2022. This year was a very successful event raising almost $4000.00
Elizabeth thanked all who volunteered for this event.
*Membership boundaries – Were discussed last meeting. Neighbors gave input and suggestions. The membership boundaries were last revised in 2013.
Lots of new housing developments in the area.
It was decided that we would just be adding the streets directly across the current boundary.
Discretion’s are in the by laws to include people who may not live directly in the boundary but are active in the community.
A suggestion was made to have a voting member vs. a social member.
Perhaps a membership level.
Is the current boundary inclusive to all and what is the goal or purpose?
Elizabeth to take a look at the current bylaws regarding boundaries.
*General meeting date – (TABLED for September) A consideration is being made to change date and format. Potentially Hybrid to accommodate everyone’s needs.
* Membership: Currently have 31 house holds which is about 50 members. That is up from 19 house holds.
*Treasury report: from March 31, 2022 to current was read, approved and sent via email for attachment to these minutes but will not be posted to website copy of these minutes.
*Club House – Our 2022 rental income is $1900 YTD.
Source of income: Donations and rentals.
Rental fee: $75/members $300/non members & additional $300 refundable cleaning dep.
There are a limited number of rentals per year that can be used to host an event that charges money for participation. These events cannot be ongoing in order for us to maintain our tax-exempt status with the State of Washington.
It was suggested that someone volunteer to do a market survey to be sure our rental rate is up to date.
Building Repairs and Maintenance: In need of new floors and tables.
Roof was recently repaired.
Members in attendance were asked to vote for the purchase of 4 new tables that will cost around $700. All Approved!
*Private Fish Planting: Cost will be just under $1400.00. Members only will be notified of the date, time and place.
*Events – Anyone can host a free community event.
Poker tournament – June 25th, 2022 $40 buy in. 50/50
Community Garage Sale July 16th and 17th See flyer for details.
National Night Out August 2nd. 5-7pm
*Lake wise: Aaron attended a workshop and has offered to share the information to the community.
*Side Walks: Looking for an update. What we know is that surveys were done, a grant was in place, but the county did not approve.
Side walks are listed as pending on the county website.
Melody has more information.
Need new petition from our community. Mr. Chan will be following up with this, and organizing community members to attend a county council meeting.
Meeting adjourned 8:00pm
Next meeting Monday, July 18th, 2022 6:30 dinner 7pm meeting.