11.20.2024 General Meeting Minutes
Lake Stickney Community Club
General Meeting Minutes
November 20th, 2024
Meeting called to order 6:39pm pause for dinner 6:49 resumed 7:15pm
*Meeting minutes: from September 18th, 2024, were read and approved by Elizabeth 2nd by Wistremundo.
*Treasurer Report: Read and approved. See attached.
*Water Repair:
~Water usage was abnormally high. On November 2nd a lot of water was observed by a neighbor. Day & Nite plumbing determined that a water line ruptured. Also, the old, galvanized pipes needed to be up to code. The water line replaced was from the street to the building. Cost $12,094.93. An emergency trustee meeting was called to discuss. We were able to pay 50% down and a 90-day grace period for the balance. Our bank balance at the time was only $11,000.00. Club house rentals were scheduled that would bring in $6,200.00. February 12th final balance is due. After testing and repairing the water meter was still running. Discovered that the woman’s bathroom fill valve and supply line was an issue. That was fixed and had stopped the meter from running.
~Neighbors stated their name and where they live.
*Membership Dues:
~$40 per family $20 for individual. Asking neighbors to pay dues early for 2025 to raise money for repairs. Ways to pay dues are cash, check, or Zelle. LSCC Zelle account is Lscc@lakestickney.org not through a phone number.
*New trustee: Ann Madson accepts nomination as trustee and was approved by members. We will need a President and Club house rental trustee soon.
*Halloween: We opened the club house door for the community to trick or treat for the 3rd year in a row. We had approximately 47 trick or treaters.
*Club House Rentals:
~We have a full list of rentals for the next few months.
*Upcoming events:
~General meetings. Website is up to date.
~Potluck in July
~Fisherman breakfast in April. Date to be determined. (Waiting for the official opening day of fishing date)
~We do not approve of commercial events. Free classes are ok. Craft events etc. A non-profit meeting place.
*Traffic Safety Committee:
~Update from Ann Madson: No parking signs have been added to the community since our last meeting.
*Community Garden:
~Requires intense volunteer work and money. Susan Bett has been researching and looking at other community gardens in other cities. Susan will reach out to WSU extension property to talk about the next steps. This could be a way to bring our community together. We are in an exploratory period. This is a future project.
~We are updating our mailing list. Need volunteers to help populate our contact list. Divy up sections of our area to find addresses and homeowners in our membership boundaries.
~Actively looking at door repairs and any critical repairs. Need contractors who are Licensed and Bonded.
Meeting adjourned at 8:04pm
Next meeting January 15th, 2025