09.18.2024 General Meeting Minutes
Lake Stickney Community Club
General Meeting Minutes
September 18th, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:07pm
*Meeting minutes: from May 15th, 2024, were read and approved by Michelle and 2nd by Wistremundo.
*Treasurer Report: Read and approved. See attached.
*Gratitude: Thank you to all who contribute to everything.
*Repairs and Maintenance:
~We are saving money to replace the flooring in the club house.
~The front and back doors and frames need to be replaced asap.
~Voted to purchase $650.00 of gravel. (Approx. 12 yards) for parking lot. Approved by David Chan and 2nd by Jody Adams.
~Funds are raised by club house rentals, membership dues and donations. We are a Washington State Non-profit, not a 501c3.
~Blackberry bushes need to be removed to add a community garden. Vegetable boxes for vegetables and fruits. Need volunteers! Road salt was a suggestion for removal.
~A membership form has been created.
~A google doc will be added to the website.
*Calendar of events:
~General meeting dates: November 20th 2024, January 15th 2025, March 19th 2025, May 21st 2025, September 17th 2025
~October 12th 2024 10am-5pm community garage sale in the new build area of our community.
~Halloween: Club house will be open for trick or treaters. (Full size candy bars) 5:30pm-8pm Members approved to buy decorations for $150.00
~Potluck July 20th 2025 5pm-7pm.
~Lots of event ideas. Need volunteers to run them.
*Traffic Safety Committee: Sidewalk committee has been re-named the Traffic Safety Committee. Ann, David, Sue, and Cindi are committee members.
~Ann provided a very detailed update. (See attached)
~Asking PUD and Dale the supervisor of traffic Snohomish county to be guest speakers at a future meeting.
*Newsletter: Will be creating a community club house newsletter to mail or hand out door to door.
*Club House:
~As a community how do we want to use the club house?
~Someone would like to donate board games to be put into a cupboard for community use.
~Need rental manager for the upcoming year.
~Will need a president for the upcoming year.
Meeting adjourned 8:21pm
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 @ 7pm